Zone 1 Hashi
SpaceTime: Ma Hashi- panorama

An edge or limit from one environment to the next. Ma - describes the conditions of the space between, the space directing movement or the space for relationship and existence. Zone # 1, key and explanation Aggregate Proprioception A wide angle view, this term is applied to one’s initial visual, including cognitive, and physical acquisition of the Art Situation. This aspect uses panoramic views as a mode of acquiring an overall grasp of the site, as in an approach to mapping, where the site may be defined as a series of Art Objects or Structures within a micro-geographical context. Any series of heterogeneous things or elements then comprise the whole within the site and are ultimately understood as a complete entity despite their constituent parts. 

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 2 Suki 
SpaceTime: Ma Suki- dwelling

A structure for living, being or existence. Ma - describes the conditions of the space between, the space directing movement or the space for relationship and existence. Zone #2, key and explanation Contextual Proprioception A condition of human scale, which is a felt sense to vertical construction as well as the measure of the body, becomes tuned as one begins movement, via motility and mobility, into the site. In turn, site feels expansive in the sense that human scale begins to re-acquire a place within the Art-Objects, that now are no longer distinct from the participant. These sets of factors and circumstances pervade the Art-Situation and in due course create a contextual event determined by the paradigms of the installation; these made apparent by cognitive and physical situation, location and orientation. Context then becomes more a one-to-one relationship. Structural, Suki, begins to quantify space into abstracted environmental divisions, i.e. Structural, imprecisely referenced as perhaps rooms. And, by extension, relating to, cognitively and bodily, a loose perception as a place of living. Initial a priori perceptions that dwellings may exist become more dominant as the panoramic scene, established in Zone #1 Hashi, fades and begins to settle into series or clusters of art-constructs. 

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 3 Sabi 
SpaceTime: Ma Sabi- emotional

A sign of something ephemeral. Ma - describes the conditions of the space between, the space directing movement or the space for relationship and existence. Zone #3, key and explanation Medial Transposed Locomotion is understood to be both cognitive and behavioral. In this case it is relating to being situated deeper within the Art-Situation. As a progression, mobility, or extension, motility, toward the middle; whether middle is the epicenter of the geographical middle of the site, or within the context of any single Art-Object. 

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 4 Susabi 
SpaceTime: Ma Susabi- perception

The alignment of signs, the indication of something not immediately apparent. Ma - describes the conditions of the space between, the space directing movement or the space for relationship and existence. Zone #4, key and explanation Aperture Phenomenology Perception is determined by one’s cognitive receptiveness and thus establishes the amount and kind of data received as it equally corresponds with behavioral discovery. The mind’s and body’s aperture make intuitive, ontological observations from what will, or has just occurred, and may alter, stimulate or prompt further action where the entire perceptual process will be repeated. This aperture absorbs phenomena and directs both the amount and kind taken in. 

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 5 Utusushimi 
SpaceTime: Ma Utusushimi- relational

Where life is being lived or experienced. Ma - describes the conditions of the space between, the space directing movement or the space for relationship and existence. Zone #5, key and explanation Manifest Phenomenology One’s perception and reality establish themselves as a kind of relationship to Art-Objects as these take on a deeper level of reality. As movement has progressed further into both the Art-Situation and the physicality of the installation, evidence and proof, as supported by behavior, attitudes and judgments, re-define expectations and assumptions. 

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 6 Michiyuki 
SpaceTime: Ma Michiyuki- experiential

The movement from place to place. Ma - describes the conditions of the space between, the space directing movement or the space for relationship and existence. Zone #6, key and explanation Being and Place Being and place are experiential, one’s length of time upon which perception and interpretation confect. Brought into sensory mode; via movement form location to location; acquisition by those elements defining the Art-Object; sensed through the Dual Bodily Unit (DBU), one arrives at a place where emotion and idea inform, affect and influence — being.

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

An excerpt from my manuscript, “ Connection Points, Bridging the Expanse Between Self and Art Objects in SpaceTime”. (Working title.)