Zone 1 Hashi
SpaceTime: Ma Hashi- panorama

Types and Kinds of Aggregate Proprioception:

  1. Zone #1 View, Aggregate Proprioception V, Ap

  2. RAC, (Requisite Arrangement and Classification) I, S (Installation, Site)

  3. PIP, (Principles Influencing Perception)

  4. Re (Remarkable Environment)- Art Situational, it is distinguished from other sites by artistic design and intention to excite the DBU..

  5. O, (Object)- Gestalt view. The bracket organizes, as a group, RAC, PIP and O.

  6. CA (Art Object)- Contours, Abutment of all architectural units as an organizational schema. 

  7. E, S, Is- “Form”- Rather than having a single distinct ‘form’ Hashi has Exteriors, Silhouettes, In-Situ as distinguishing features. This is a unique viewing feature to Hashi.

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 2 Suki 
SpaceTime: Ma Suki- dwelling

Types and Kinds of Aggregate Proprioception:

  1. Zone #2, View Contextual Proprioception V, Cp

  2. RAC, (Requisite Arrangement and Classification) b, s, w (Base, Scale, Width)- The beginning formations and accumulations of units, Art-Architectural Art-Objects present an evolving environment. 

  3. PIP, (Principles Influencing Perception) Lm (Line, Mass).

  4. O, (Object)- Str = Structure.

  5. Ao- Art Object, Structure

  6. Kr- Kunstform, (German) Art form, the idea of symbolism and representation, art form becomes interpretive of the Art-Object.

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 3 Sabi 
SpaceTime: Ma Sabi- emotional

Types and Kinds of Aggregate Proprioception:

  1. Zone #3, View Medial Transposed V, Mt

  2. RAC, Requisite Arrangement and Classification Gs (Gestalt Structure)- Monumental in a sense of a whole or composite while simultaneously revealing “tip” of what may yet be perceived. 

  3. PIP, Principles Influencing Perception F, (Form), .

  4. O, (Object)- Art-Architectural. .

  5. Ao- Art Object, Art-Architectural. The bracket organizes, as a group, RAC, PIP and O.

  6. R- Raumform, (German in form) Space form, creation of new space through Art-Objects interaction within space where space acts as a 360° canvass. Space offers possibilities; viewing angles, perspectives, and these, influence interpretation and perception. In this context space is a medium.

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 4 Susabi 
SpaceTime: Ma Susabi- perception

Types and Kinds of Aggregate Proprioception:

  1. Zone #4, View Aperture Phenomenology V, Ap

  2. RAC, Requisite Arrangement and Classification Om (Object Movement)- The perception that as cognitive and physical changes occur there also happens a perception that a given Art-Object has the appearance of moving. .

  3. PIP, Principles Influencing Perception M (Movement)- The act of mobility and motility. 

  4. O, (Object)- Art-Structure.

  5. Ao- Art Object, Art-Structure. The bracket organizes, as a group, RAC, PIP and O.

  6. R- Raumform, (German in form) Space form, creation of new space through Art-Objects interaction within space where space acts as a 360° canvass. Space offers possibilities; viewing angles, perspectives, and these, influence interpretation and perception. In this context space is a medium. 

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 5 Utusushimi 
SpaceTime: Ma Utusushimi- relational

Types and Kinds of Aggregate Proprioception:

  1. Zone #5, View Manifest Phenomenology V, Mp

  2. RAC, ,Requisite Arrangement and Classification S (Sculpture).

  3. PIP, Principles Influencing Perception Cf, d, p (Composite form, Depth, Perspective)- Spatial, a space that is alive.

  4. O, (Object)- Sculpture.

  5. Ao- Art Object, Sculpture. The bracket organizes, as a group, RAC, PIP and O.

  6. Kn- Kernform, (German) Core form the absolute, technical, production aspect, literally the form of the structure, through its structure. 

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

Zone 6 Michiyuki 
SpaceTime: Ma Michiyuki- experiential

Types and Kinds of Aggregate Proprioception:

  1. Zone #6, Being and Place V, I, W, I- Interiors, Within, Inside

  2. RAC, Requisite Arrangement and Classification Cs&F (Composite sensations and Form).

  3. PIP, Principles Influencing Perception U-DBU&AS (Unification of the Dual Bodily Unit with the Art-Situation).

  4. O, (Object)- Imrsv, Immersive, via the Dual Bodily Unit’s I and Me natures, Art-Objects in this context have permeated one’s cognitive and physical senses.

  5. PSP- Particular Situational Proximity. The Five Types of Art-Objects (Ao) Appendix C no longer applies in this context. The bracket organizes, as a group, RAC, PIP and O.

  6. Intr- Interiors, the place of lived space and lived time.

© 2020 Gregor Roth - All Rights Reserved. All content Copy Righted.

An excerpt from my manuscript, “ Connection Points, Bridging the Expanse Between Self and Art Objects in SpaceTime”. (Working title.)