Design Statement
I begin design with the assumption there is a problem to solve. Over time I have found two seemingly opposingmodels, creativity with constraints and divergent thinking (the scientific method), offer many strategies that stressand develop critical thinking, control ideation and lead to successful solutions. Clearly listed criteria, briefs, overviews, thematic ideas, design specifications and restrictions constrain and channel creativity along a finely tuned track that ultimately sharpens development and execution. Scientific/divergent thinking challenges both existing answers as well as newly proposed options by proving, or disproving hypothetical/potential solutions as a way of determining the best outcome to expressed criteria or needs. Working simultaneously each helps keep design on target. This decreases the likelihood that design might drift away from goals and objectives. Its also ensures innovative solutions can grow by remaining closely aligned within prescribed structures, and critically, be verified through logical processes.
These two concepts can be combined into a single creative methodology of synergistic thinking. This is a framework of a problem solving, probing and questioning. It merges the two into a single problem solving system; both systemsworking symbiotically to generate, proof and refine. Filtered through stages, design starts broadly then is distilled through processes honing ideation toward a useful final product. The first stage is comprised of empathizing as well as research and interpretation. In the second, the focus is to define any component that ‘feels right’ by developinghypothetical models used to test ideation. The goal is to keep what is working, and discard what does not add valueor worth to the final product. The final stage relies on ‘fail often’. As a strategy it uses prototypes that are analyzed and repeatedly tested. Beneficially, it also refines, revealing how rigorously the design is being pushed.
This design philosophy is easily adapted into a design pedagogy. Synergistic thinking clearly lays out the process of guiding students through a consistent system that can be used in any creative setting. It helps insure that ideation, goals, theme, project criteria are always top of mind, consistently considered and accurately met. It also provides an accurate system of measuring each step of the design process for both myself and students. It reinforces curious and fearless creative approaches by assuming models and prototypes will fail along the way. Importantly, it teaches the importance of critical thinking as a core and overarching component to creativity. This process helps control an over reliance on technique and technology - sometimes used to cover up weak design development - by reinforcing conceptual processing. Creative expression, while conforming to constraints as well as being rigorously tested is stillallowed to flourish, but importantly is controlled and targeted to successful solutions through series of checks andbalances.